Connery Grissom is a metal artist living and working in Southern California, where he was born and raised.

Connery creates textured two-dimensional metal art by welding designs onto stainless steel and using the heat from a propane torch to change the color of the metal.

Connery learned the skill of welding in high school and became proficient on the job as an automotive welder-fabricator. During injury leave from his EMT job in 2021, he became intrigued with the idea of welding as art. He began experimenting with the medium to discover the different effects he could achieve by varying the parameters of the welding process. He has been creating his unique art even since.

Connery has created commissioned pieces and has pieces exhibited online and at local businesses. He regularly participates in art shows in Sothern and Central California. In 2024 Connery began exhibiting his art in juried shows. He was recognized with Honorable Mention at the 2024 Ojai Art In The Park Show and is looking forward to expanding his repertoire of art, welding techniques, and knowledge of the art world.


Ojai Art Center Art in the Park: Honorable mention